I am the coordinator for the Tech Track at Penguicon 2015, which is a combined FOSS/Science Fiction convention held every spring in the Metro-Detroit area. The 2015 event will happen April 24-26 at the Westin Hotel in Southfield, MI. The theme for the upcoming year’s event is Biotechnology and Medicine, looking at how technology is affecting our health and life. But we want a lot of different talks as well, so I will be happy to accept proposals that look a things like cloud computing, security, hardware hacks, and anything else that would be of interest to geeks and hackers.
This year we are experimenting with a new process to gather talk proposals that will also allow some “social” features, such as letting prospective attendees vote on talks they would attend. This helps the programmers to know what talks might be of the greatest interest and thus program the most desirable talks. I know I look at this information in setting my track, and I believe the other track coordinators do something similar. This is something called TuxTrax, and as it is developed it should become even more useful. But if you encounter any problems at all, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. My official Penguicon e-mail is tech at penguicon dot org.
Listen to the audio version of this post on Hacker Public Radio!