Slide Shows

I often create slide shows to do presentations at LUGs and cons. So here they are, shared with the rest of you!

Long Form – one to one and a half hours

Medium Length – About a half hour

Short stuff – 10-15 minute material

Introduction to Linux

Here is a presentation I gave at Indiana LinuxFest in 2011. If you want to download the OpenOffice presentation, it is here. Introduction to linux View more presentations from Kevin O’Brien

Linux Directory Structure

Here is a presentation I did to explain how the Linux directory structure works. If you want to download the presentation you can find it here. Linux directory structure View more presentations from Kevin O’Brien.

The find and locate Commands

This presentation was given at our local Linux Users Group, and covers two ways you can find files on your system. IF you wish, you can download the presentation from here. [slideshare id=2979859&doc=find-and-locate-100123225926-phpapp02]

Installing Software in Linux

This is a three-part series I did for my LUG on installing software on your Linux system. The presentations start at the easiest level, with using Repositories and software like Synaptic and Package Kit, through using RPMs and DEBs, and finally looking at command-line installing and compiling. This is another series meant for newcomers to …

The Shell Game

This is a series of short presentations I did for our LUG. The idea was to have a 10-minute presentation for newcomers that we could use on a night when the main presentation was really geeky. When I get time I whip out another one or two of these. Part 1: What is a shell? …

Hardware Discovery Commands

This presentation looks at some of the different commands available in Linux for discovering your hardware. Think of it as the Free Software equivalent to the Belarc Advisor. The LibreOffice presentation file can be downloaded here. <div style=”width:425px” id=”__ss_10315439″> <strong style=”display:block;margin:12px 0 4px”><a href=”” title=”Hardware Discovery Commands” target=”_blank”>Hardware Discovery Commands</a></strong> <iframe src=”″ width=”425″ height=”355″ frameborder=”0″ …

The ps Command

A presentation on this useful command for understanding and monitoring your processes on your Linux computer. You can download the presentation here. View more documents from Kevin O’Brien. [slideshare id=2979879&doc=ps6-19-08-100123230825-phpapp02]

Installing Linux: Partitioning and File System Considerations

This presentation looks at some of the choices you need to make when installing Linux for the first time, and how you can best set up your Linux computer. The presentation can be downloaded here. [slideshare id=2979867&doc=install5-17-07-100123230229-phpapp01]

The ifconfig Command

This presentation introduces the command most useful for connecting your computer to a network. You can download the presentation here. [slideshare id=2979863&doc=ifconfig-100123230036-phpapp02]

Help, My Computer is Sluggish!

This is an intermediate-level guide on how to diagnose a sluggish computer problem and fix it. You can download the presentation here. Help, my computer is sluggish View more presentations from Kevin O’Brien.


This is a presentation I created for the December 2014 meeting of the Washtenaw Linux Users Group. In this presentation I explore the technology of passwords, hashing, and how passwords can be attacked and how they can be protected. Passwords from Kevin O'Brien If you want to download the LibreOffice presentation file you can get …

Encryption Basics

This was something that I did for the Washtenaw Linux Users Group for presentation in May 2015. [slideshare id=43519727&doc=encryptionbasics-150114134603-conversion-gate01] You can also download the presentation in Open Document Format from Encryption Basics

SSL Certificates

[slideshare id=43551177&doc=sslcertificates-150115091833-conversion-gate02]   You can also download this presentation in Open Document format SSL Certificates.

Password Best Practices and the LastPass Hack

[slideshare id=52731976&doc=passwordbestpracticesandthelastpasshack-150913220426-lva1-app6892]   You can also download this presentation in Open Document format Password Best Practices and the LastPass Hack

Diffie-Hellman-Merkle Key Exchange

[slideshare id=89585150&doc=diffie-hellman-merkle-180304213157]   You can also download this presentation in Open Document format Diffie-Hellman-Merkle Key Exchange

Forward Secrecy

[slideshare id=89585261&doc=forwardsecrecy-180304213447]   You can also download this presentation in Open Document format Forward Secrecy

TLS 1.3

[slideshare id=92423862&doc=tls1-180330223322]   You can also download this presentation in ODP format TLS 1.3