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Installing Software in Linux

This is a three-part series I did for my LUG on installing software on your Linux system. The presentations start at the easiest level, with using Repositories and software like Synaptic and Package Kit, through using RPMs and DEBs, and finally looking at command-line installing and compiling. This is another series meant for newcomers to Linux.

  1. Part 1: Repositories
  2. Part 2: Package Managers
  3. Part 3: Command Line

Installing Software in Linux, Part 1: Repositories

This is the first presentation, covering the use of Repositories, and tools like Synaptic, YUM, and Package Kit. You can download the presentation from here. Installing Software, Part 1 – Repositories View more documents from Kevin O’Brien. [slideshare id=2979871&doc=installingsoftwarepart1-100123230353-phpapp01]

Installing Software in Linux, Part 2: Working With Packages

In this second part of the series, we look at package files such a RPMs and DEBs, and learn how to use them to install software. You can download the presentation from here. Installing Software, Part 2: Package Managers View more documents from Kevin O’Brien. [slideshare id=2979873&doc=installingsoftwarepart2-100123230515-phpapp02]

Installing Software in Linux, Part 3: Command Line and Compiling From Source

In this final installment we get a little bit geeky and look at how we can use command line tools to install software, including compiling software from the source code. You can download the presentation here. Installing Software, Part 3: Command Line View more documents from Kevin O’Brien. [slideshare id=2979877&doc=installingsoftwarepart3-100123230641-phpapp02]