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The Shell Game

This is a series of short presentations I did for our LUG. The idea was to have a 10-minute presentation for newcomers that we could use on a night when the main presentation was really geeky. When I get time I whip out another one or two of these.

  1. Part 1: What is a shell?
  2. Part 2: What are the choices in shells?
  3. Part 3: Introduction to Bash
  4. Part 4: Bash Shortcuts

The Shell Game, Part 1: What is a Shell?

In this first presentation of the series, we discuss what a shell is. You can download the presentation here. The Shell Game Part 1 View more documents from Kevin O’Brien. [slideshare id=2979849&doc=shellgame1-100123225535-phpapp01]

The Shell Game, Part 2: What are the choices in shells?

This presentation looks at the different shells you can choose. You can download the presentation here. The Shell Game Part 2: What are your shell choices? View more documents from Kevin O’Brien. [slideshare id=2979852&doc=shellgame2-100123225642-phpapp01]

The Shell Game, Part 3: Introduction to Bash

This presentation brings us to the most widely available shell, Bash. You can download the presentation here. The Shell Game Part 3: Introduction to Bash View more documents from Kevin O’Brien. [slideshare id=2979856&doc=shellgame3-100123225725-phpapp02]

The Shell Game, Part 4: Bash Shortcuts

This presentation introduces some time-saving shortcuts you can use in the Bash shell. You can download the presentation here. The Shell Game Part 4: Bash Shortcuts View more documents from Kevin O’Brien. [slideshare id=2979857&doc=shellgame4-100123225824-phpapp01]